By Dr. Matsen

In 1999 I began sending patients with stubborn, chronic health problems that did not respond fully to my Eating Alive dietary program for DMPS challenge testing. DMPS is a metal chelator that binds to heavy metals and then transports them to the kidneys for elimination. The purpose of sending patients for DMPS challenge testing was to determine whether there were any heavy metals in their bodies that could be hindering their improvement. Approximately the first thirty patients all showed positive for the presence of mercury. Most of these patients followed a heavy metal detoxification program that removed the mercury from their bodies and some of them have written testimonial letters that appear in Eating Alive II. For example, on page 470, one patient describes how his terminal liver disease was reversed and on page 355, another tells how her forty years of schizophrenia vanished.

After seeing so many people test positive for mercury on the DMPS challenge test, I had one done myself in November of 1999—even though I’d had my mercury fillings removed in the 1980s when I first became aware of the Swedish autopsy studies that proved that mercury leaked out of amalgam fillings and accumulated in the body. The results of my DMPS challenge test showed that there were high levels of mercury in my body. I then had six intravenous DMPS treatments done over a period of six months. I followed that with a year of taking DMPS orally. These DMPS treatments lowered my mercury levels down to what some would call “nearly normal.” All of this mercury would have come from the main organs of the body, excluding the brain, since DMPS does not enter the brain.

I didn’t have much in the way of symptoms to judge the lessening of mercury, but I did have two conditions that are considered genetic. One is Dupuytren’s contracture, which is a fibrosis of the tendon in the palm of the hand. It is believed to be a genetic condition peculiar to those of Scandinavian descent. TLC (The Learning Channel) aired a program called “Blood of the Vikings” in which it was claimed that it was possible to determine where Vikings raided into Europe based on who had Dupuytren’s contracture. Since my father is of Swedish descent, it makes sense that I would be prone to this genetic trait of fibrosis of the tendons.

My mother had sebaceous cysts under the scalp, which are also considered genetic, and my younger sister and I had them as well. Surgery is considered the only treatment for both sebaceous cysts and Dupuytren’s contracture and all three of us had had some sebaceous cysts removed surgically.

When I stopped taking DMPS and switched to a new remedy that claimed to remove mercury from the brain as well as the other organs of the body, I began to see changes that I didn’t expect. There were large amounts of thick yellow, mucous discharge constantly coming from my nose and sinuses. After about six months of this continual discharge, I noticed that my sebaceous cysts had miraculously disappeared and the Dupuytren’s contracture on the tendons of my right palm had also vanished. My left palm only showed a 50 percent diminution of the Dupuytren’s nodules, however. I stopped taking the remedy to see what would happen and as the nasal discharge stopped, so did the improvement in my left palm tendons.

Months later, I started taking oral doses of DMSA, which is also purported to remove mercury from the brain. I had yellow nasal discharge again and my left palm tendon went from 50 percent improvement to 75 percent improvement, where it is as I write this.

Somehow, by discharging mercury from the brain through the nose and/or sinuses, the result is the removal of two conditions—Dupuytren’s contracture and sebaceous cysts—that aren’t supposed to be reversible.

Viera Schreibner is an Australian researcher who invented the Cotwatch system to monitor the breathing of sleeping babies in order to determine the cause of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). She came to the conclusion that every baby went through a life and death struggle, often unnoticed in the night, after receiving vaccines (Eating Alive II, page 368). Since the blood-brain barrier is not fully developed until about six months of age, any mercury that we received in our first vaccines is likely to be found in the brain as well as the rest of the body.

According to an article in the November 1999 issue of Journal of the American Medical Association, by six months the average infant was receiving a dose of 187 micrograms of ethyl mercury from vaccines; this level far exceeded the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) safety guidelines for methyl mercury, set as far back as the 1930s (Eating Alive II, page 380). In fact, 187 micrograms is up to 125 times over the safety levels for methyl mercury. This may, in fact, be even worse than it appears: ethyl mercury in vaccines is beginning to look far more toxic than methyl mercury.

Research at the University of Kentucky (see February 2003 Monthly Comment) has shown that ethyl mercury in vaccines is the prime suspect in Alzheimer’s Disease. Could it be that the main trigger for Alzheimer’s Disease is to be found in those first vaccines we received in our first six months of life?

The fact that I reversed two supposedly genetic problems is an interesting phenomenon. Even more interesting is that in the last six months, for two of my patients with terminal cancer—one with lymphoma and the other with lung cancer that had spread to the lymph—I recommended low doses of DMSA right at the beginning of their program and both are now in remission after three months. While two cases doesn’t mean a sure cure, it certainly points out even more clearly that we not only have to end our exposure to mercury from vaccines and dental fillings, but we must also get on with removing it from the organs of our bodies, with the emphasis on remedies that pull the mercury out of the brain.