On the Eating Alive Program, it’s recommended that you avoid or at least limit the use of packaged, processed food products and choose real foods, those that are as close to their natural form as possible. Processed foods typically contain additives, preservatives, and refined products such as white sugar, white flour, and unhealthy oils that contain trans fats. These have little nutritional value and are detrimental to your health. Processed foods include many of the packaged “convenience” foods on the shelves and in the freezer section of grocery stores, as well as what many of us know as “junk” food—candy, chocolate bars, chips, donuts, cakes, pastries, cookies, etc. Minimally processed foods (those that have not had their nutrients removed) are okay, for example: steel-cut or old-fashioned oats, canned tomatoes and tomato paste, etc.

When you do buy packaged foods, it’s important to read the ingredient list, not just the front label. Even though the label may contain words such as “natural,” “whole,” “pure,” or even “organic,” it does not mean that it’s healthy to eat. Avoid those with ingredients whose names you don’t recognize or cannot pronounce.

Click on the following link to see an article/video titled “Blueberries faked in cereals, muffins, bagels and other food products – Food Investigations.”