By Dr. Matsen

I hope everyone had a happy holiday! Was it a healthy one for you?

For many people, the Christmas season can derail their efforts to follow a healthy lifestyle. Did you consume a lot of sugar, coffee, alcohol, and processed foods, or just eat too much in general? Too many late nights and not enough sleep? Were you so busy that you didn’t find enough time to exercise? Didn’t take time to relax? Do the holidays leave you feeling stressed out? If so, your liver is probably overloaded and needs some relief fast. The best way to get back on track is to get started (or restarted) on the Eating Alive Program. Below I have listed some of the steps you can take:

  • Replenish your body with the nutrients it needs to be healthy by following the nutritional guidelines of the Eating Alive Program and by taking the supplements you need to help with the detoxification process. This is especially important to improve the functioning of your digestive system, particularly your liver.
  • Repair your weakened ileocecal valve by eating according to the climate in which you live and by taking your calcium/magnesium/vitamin D3 supplement.
  • Restore your good intestinal flora and get rid of yeast.
  • Increase your intake of oxygen through laughter, exercise, and deep breathing.
  • Revitalize yourself with sufficient sleep to allow your body’s repair crews to fix the wear-and-tear that it has endured during the day.
  • Relax by learning to respond to stress with positive actions.

If you’ve made a New Year’s resolution to get and stay healthy, then following these steps can help to get your liver  working better and improve your diet, digestion, and intestinal flora. I recommend that you work with a licensed naturopath, who can recommend nutritional supplements to help with the detoxification process.

And to make things easier during the next Christmas season, start your New Year’s resolution on December 1 rather than January 1, 2004 so you don’t suffer the consequences of unhealthy habits over the holidays.

Wishing you a healthy 2003!

(For detailed information on The Eating Alive Program, please refer to the FastTrack section of Eating Alive II, pages 3 to 93.)