By Irene Hayton

For those who want to include vegetarian sources of protein in their diet, soy products are a common choice. However, it’s best to choose those that are fermented, such as tempeh, natto, miso, and fermented soy protein powder. Eat tofu in moderation only, since it is not typically fermented, and choose organic brands.

Soy contains digestive enzyme inhibitors, which block the uptake of enzymes that the body uses to break down protein. Fermentation eliminates these inhibitors. Also, many soy products are derived from genetically modified organisms (GMO). GMO foods are those that have been genetically altered in order to resist pests and disease, thereby increasing the crop yield. The effects of GMO foods on humans have not been extensively studied so they are very controversial. Because of this, it is best to avoid GMO foods as much as possible. Soy products that are labeled organic and non-GMO are your best choice.

See this month’s recipe for an easy stir-fry that uses tempeh.