By Dr. Matsen/Irene Hayton

Are you having trouble getting out of bed in the morning, even when you’ve had enough sleep? Do you just want to roll over and get some more shut-eye when your alarm clock goes off? Your best solution to this problem is to follow the Eating Alive Program. In the meantime, instead of hitting the snooze button on your alarm clock repeatedly, here are some tips you can use before and after you get out of bed to help you rev up your energy.

Drink Water

Before you go to bed at night, put a glass of water (purified, filtered, or distilled are best) by your bed. As soon as your alarm goes off, sit up and drink some water. After several hours of sleep, your body will be dehydrated. Water is one of the most important molecules in our bodies, making up more than half our body weight. It is vital to many processes in the body, including circulation, digestion, absorption of nutrients, removal of wastes, and maintenance of normal acid/alkaline balance and normal body temperature. Often when we are feeling tired, it’s because our bodies need water, so remember to drink plenty throughout the day as well. For added benefits, add some freshly squeezed lemon juice to your water—it helps to detoxify the body and boost metabolism.


If you’re still not feeling like getting out of bed, lay back down smile! I know this is hard to do when you’re tired, so if you don’t feel like putting on a happy face, force yourself to smile. This activates the ‘smile’ muscles in your face which stimulates the nerves that connect to the limbic system of your brain, increasing your positive emotions. Still don’t feel like smiling? Keep a pencil on your nightstand so you can place it sideways in your mouth and lightly bite into it, stimulating the smile muscles.

Relax and Breathe Deeply

Deep breathing is very important for removing carbon dioxide and for bringing in precious oxygen, which your cells need to produce energy. Many of us are shallow breathers; we expand only our chests when we breathe, thereby limiting the amount of oxygen that can enter our lungs.

Lie on your back and place your hands on your abdomen. Inhale deeply through your nose, expanding both your chest and your belly so that you feel your hands rise with the movement of your abdomen. Exhale deeply through your mouth; you should feel your abdomen move back down. Continue with deep breathing for a few minutes.

For added benefits, try this balanced breathing technique. Place your right thumb beside your right nostril and your index finger beside your left nostril. With your thumb, gently press your right nostril closed and slowly inhale through your left nostril. Release your thumb, gently press your left nostril closed with your index finger and exhale through your right nostril. Repeat this 3 to 5 times then switch sides—breathe in through the right nostril and out through the left nostril. Repeat 3 to 5 times. This technique, also known as polarized breathing, helps to increase mental alertness, control stress, and promote relaxation.

Be Thankful

While you’re smiling and breathing deeply, count your blessings. Give thanks for all the things for which you are grateful—the roof over your head, your job that pays the bills, your relationships with family and friends, etc. Focusing on the positive things in your life helps put you in a better mood, making it easier to face the day ahead.

Massage Your Ears
Using your thumbs and index fingers, gently unroll the edges of your ears and rub them from top to bottom, including the ear lobe, about 5 times. The surfaces of the ear contain more than 400 different acupressure points that are related to every function of your body and your brain. By gently massaging them, you can stimulate your entire system and boost your energy levels.

Massage any other parts of your body that may feel stiff, such as your jaw muscles—if you tend to grind your teeth in your sleep—and neck and shoulders. Take a moment to give your hands and feet a quick massage as well.

Get Up and Get Moving!
Okay, now it’s time to get up. Hopefully, these quick and easy-to-do tips will have given you enough energy to get up and get moving. Keep in mind that you can use any of these techniques throughout the day, whenever you start to feel tired or stressed out.

In Part 2, I’ll discuss a few things you can do to energize yourself after you get out of bed.