By Dr. Matsen/Irene Hayton

If you’re looking for a natural supplement that helps with a multitude of inflammatory conditions, then Serratia Peptidase may just be the answer.  Serratia Peptidase is a proteolytic (protein-digesting) enzyme that was originally discovered in the silkworm, which produces this substance to break down the walls of its cocoon. This enzyme is now isolated from the non-pathogenic enterobacteria Serratia E15 and is naturally processed for commercial use through fermentation.

Healthcare providers in Europe and Asia have used Serratia Peptidase for more than 25 years for the treatment of arthritis, fibrocystic breast disease and many other inflammatory diseases. Serratia Peptidase dissolves non-living tissues such as dead cells, plaque, fibrin, cysts, blood clots and scar tissue and it reduces most forms of inflammation without harming living tissue.

In addition to decreasing inflammation and swelling, one of the major benefits of Serratia Peptidase is its ability to reduce pain, much like ibuprofen, aspirin, and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). However, unlike NSAIDs, which provide only temporary relief and can cause stomach bleeding and ulcers, Serratia Peptidase has few serious gastrointestinal side effects. Large doses and/or long-term use of NSAIDs can have other harmful side effects such as: abnormalities of liver function tests, kidney problems, fluid retention, skin rashes, mouth sores, increased blood pressure, bruising or bleeding, dizziness and drowsiness.

How it Works

Serratia Peptidase works in three ways:

  • It reduces swelling by thinning the fluids that are formed from injury or inflammation and helps to drain the fluids, which speeds up the repair of the tissue.
  •  It reduces pain by blocking the release of pain-inducing amines, called bradykinin, from inflamed tissues.
  • It dissolves fibrin, the protein by-products of blood coagulation.

Clinical Research Studies

Clinical studies show that Serratia Peptidase is useful for many health problems.

  • Respiratory Conditions
    In respiratory conditions, such as asthma, sinusitis, bronchitis and pulmonary diseases, in which there is increased production of dense mucous. Serratia Peptidase alters the viscosity and elasticity of the mucous. A Japanese study found that Serratia Peptidase may have a positive effect on mucous clearance in patients with chronic airway diseases.
  • Ear, Nose and Throat Disorders
    At the University of Naples in Italy, a study involving 193 people with ear, nose and throat disorders showed that Serratia Peptidase provided a significant improvement in pain and mucous secretion.
  • Fibrocystic Breast Disease
    In a study of 70 women with breast engorgement, 85.7% of those that received Serratia Peptidase noted a moderate to marked improvement of breast pain and swelling, with no adverse reactions.
  • Post-operative Pain and Swelling
    Another study was done on patients who underwent surgery for torn ankle ligaments. In those who received Serratia Peptidase, the swelling had decreased by 50% on the third day after surgery, compared to those in the control groups. Generally, decreased pain correlated with the decreased swelling, so those receiving Serratia Peptidase became pain-free more quickly than the patients in the control groups.
  • Other Research
    Preliminary studies of the use of Serratia Peptidase for the treatment of other health problems such as carpal tunnel syndrome, varicose veins and arterial plaque also report significant improvement. More research is necessary to determine if this enzyme is beneficial in these and other conditions.

Safety and Precautions

Serratia Peptidase has been used for many years in Europe and Asia  with virtually no adverse reactions or side effects. However, it’s important to consult with your health care practitioner before taking Serratia Peptidase, especially pregnant women, those who have severe liver or kidney disease or blood-clotting problems and those who take anti-coagulants or blood-thinners. In rare cases, elderly people who took this enzyme for long periods of time have reported gastrointestinal irritation.