First and foremost, you want to be consuming your protein from whole food sources – an unrefined, unprocessed, nutrient-dense diet.  This means, the best way to get your vegetarian and vegan protein is by following the recommendations outlined in this month’s article: “Completing” Your Vegetarian/Vegan Diet. Proper food combining, variety, adequate intake, and consuming some complete protein sources are important.

That said, at times you may find yourself needing help to meet your daily-recommended intake.  For example:

  •  when recovering from injury
  • partaking in a lot of sports, or
  • having a busy week where you just didn’t have time to cook your quinoa and soak your chickpeas

These are times you should consider supplementing with Puregreen Protein.  And it is just that – a supplement.  Protein powder is not meant to replace meals or whole foods.  It’s meant to be a tool to help you during the times mentioned above.

One important note is that not all protein powders are made equal – in fact, many out there are just plain bad!  One scary and startling fact is that the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) does not evaluate the safety of a supplement, its ingredients, or labeling, before it hits retail shelves.  That’s right, the FDA only gets involved once there has been a complaint launched against the product and begins to investigate from there.  Be sure to do your research and ensure that you purchase quality products!  Click HERE for some tips on what to look for when shopping for a protein powder.

Puregreen Protein is a vegan and vegetarian friendly, non-GMO, product that we carry in-store and recommend.  We also carry a rice protein powder and also a pea protein powder – it’s good to rotate your powders and not always consume the same one.

Puregreen Protein has matched its ratio of essential amino acids to that of human muscle (pretty cool!).  Each serving has 20g of protein with added B12 and enzymes.

One last thing – adequate water intake is always important, but especially so when consuming a protein powder.

“You’re not complete unless your protein is too!”