This month’s Comment by Dr. Matsen discusses supplements that help improve digestive problems. In addition to taking supplements and following the principles of the Eating Alive Program—avoiding foods that cause sensitivities, strengthening your ileocecal valve, killing intestinal yeast, etc.—there’s another important thing you can do to improve your digestion and that is to chew your food well.

A large part of the digestive process takes place in your mouth; enzymes that digest carbohydrates are secreted in your saliva and the process of chewing will break down protein foods into smaller pieces before they reach your stomach. This makes less work for the rest of your digestive system.

Many of us today have very busy schedules and don’t even make the time to sit down while we eat, let alone chew our food well. It’s not uncommon to see people wolfing down their meal without appearing to taste it! Make it a point to sit down and relax while you’re eating and avoid reading, watching TV, driving, etc. while doing so. Instead, focus on chewing your food well and savour every mouthful. Not only does this help your digestion, but you may also find that you don’t eat as much because your stomach has time to signal your brain that it’s full.

So take the time to chew your food well, whether you’re having a full meal or just a snack—your taste buds, stomach, intestines, and liver will thank you for it!