By Dr. Matsen

Last month’s Comment was a review of Cancer: Cause and Cure in which author, Percy Weston, talked about the detrimental effects of high levels of phosphorus due to superphosphate fertilizers used in commercial farming. Hertha Hafer is another author who points a finger at phosphates in her book, The Hidden Drug—Dietary Phosphate (Cause of Behaviour Problems, Learning Difficulties and Juvenile Delinquency) in which she discusses the connection between ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) and diet.

Hertha is a pharmacist who discovered that foods that were high in phosphate triggered behavioural problems in her son Michael. She has developed a phosphate-reduced diet that has been shown to be beneficial for children with ADD. Phosphate is a versatile food additive which is common in modern processed foods. There are also a number of natural foods that have high levels of phosphates.

For more information on Hertha Hafer, her book, the connection between ADD and diet, and lists of high-phosphate foods, click on the following links: