If you’ve checked out this month’s recipe for Pumpkin Spice Muffins, you’ll notice that it contains coconut oil. Contrary to popular belief, high-quality non-hydrogenated coconut oil is actually a healthy fat.

One of the reasons why coconut oil has gotten such a bad rap is because it contains saturated fat. However, this naturally saturated oil does not contain trans-fatty acids, like many of the oil products on the market today. “There are many different types of saturated fat, just as there are different types of polyunsaturated fat. Each has a different effect on the body. The saturated fat in coconut oil is unlike the fat found in meat or even other vegetable fats. It is identical to a special group of fats found in human breast milk called medium chain fatty acids (MCFA). These special fatty acids have been shown to stimulate the metabolism, improve digestion, strengthen the immune system, and protect against bacterial, viral, and fungal infections as well as protect the heart and arteries from the conditions that cause heart disease. For these and other reasons, coconut oil, in one form or another, is now routinely used in hospital IV formulations and in commercial baby formulas.” (A Grain of Salt Newsletter, Spring 2002, page 10)

MCFAs are easily digested and do not need to be processed by the liver. They are used as fuel to generate energy in the liver and are therefore not stored as fat, nor do they collect on the walls of the arteries like some other fats.

Coconut oil is great for baking and sautéing because it is more heat stable than other oils—when it’s cooked at higher temperatures, it doesn’t create toxic trans-fatty acids. “By substituting coconut oil for the fat used in most baking recipes, one can reduce the amount of oil by anywhere from ten to twenty-five percent, allowing a considerable reduction in caloric intake.” (Coconut Cookery, by V. MacBean, 1996)

Like any other high-quality oils, coconut oil should be unrefined and packaged in opaque (light-protected) containers. You can find organically grown, pure coconut oil in health food stores and some grocery stores.