Aside from protecting yourself from UV damage on the outside, you can also protect yourself from damage on the inside through a healthy diet. Fruits and vegetables that contain high levels of vitamins and antioxidants will increase your body’s ability to protect itself from free radical attack and sun damage. Look for foods high in vitamin C and polyphenol antioxidants such as lemons, blueberries, red grapes and green tea. Another powerful antioxidant called lycopene can be found in tomatoes, red peppers and strawberries. Consuming these nutrient-rich foods will help boost skin’s natural defence and promote overall good health.
Healthy fats are also important in skin health. A diet with servings of avocado, walnuts, almonds, flax seeds, olives, and cold water fish help build cell membranes and keep the skin health.
Sweating and lymphatic drainage (like exercise) help keep the fluid between the cells flushed from accumulating debris. The increased blood flow from sweating and exercise deliver oxygen and nutrients required for new skin cells to develop.
Especially important in skin health are the vitamins A & C, the minerals zinc & sulphur, and the amino acids glycine & proline (needed for collagen synthesis). All are important in keeping the skin healthy and aid in the skin healing from wounds. A good balanced diet with low sugar intakes are usually sufficient, however, in times of stress, illness or even over exercise, we can become slightly low on some of these nutrients. If you notice your not healing as fast or bruising more easily, you might want to look into the possibility of a nutrient depletion. (Always get checked out by a health professional if your not healing well or bruising, it could mean other serious health issues).