By Irene Hayton

Normally Dr. Matsen advises against combining proteins (found in the yogurt and the whey powder) with sweets (the berries, in this case) because proteins require hydrochloric acid (HCl) for digestion in the stomach, and sweets can inhibit HCl production. Combining sweets and proteins, therefore, results in a slower rate of digestion, allowing yeast and bacteria more time to create toxins. However, the proteins in the yogurt and whey powder do not require as much HCl as more complex proteins (for example, fish or chicken). Also, the berries are not very sweet so the HCl production may not be affected in most people. Be sure to add the sea salt to help avoid ileocecal valve problems because the berries are ‘cooling’ foods.

  • · ½ cup (125 ml) fresh or frozen blueberries
  • · ½ cup (125 ml) fresh or frozen raspberries
  • · 1 cup (250 ml) filtered water
  • · ¾ cup (175 ml) low-fat plain yogurt
  • · 1 scoop whey protein powder (see Note)
  • · 1 tablespoon (5 ml) flaxseeds, freshly ground
  • · ¼ teaspoon (1 ml) stevia/Chicolin
  • · ⅛ teaspoon (.5 ml) sea salt

Combine all ingredients in a blender and process until well mixed. Makes 1 serving.

Note: Different brands of whey powder vary in the size of the scoop so use enough to obtain approximately 20 grams of protein (the label will tell you how many grams are in a scoop). See this month’s Health Tip (June 2007) for information on how to choose a high-quality whey protein powder.