If you’ve ever smelled the freshness of peppermint and then the pungent aroma of oregano, you may be surprised to learn that both herbs come from the same plant family!  No different than many culinary herbs and teas, both carry unique properties that help the body repair, cleanse, and return to a state of balance.  Although no one herb is necessarily more important than another, oregano has stood out for thousands of years for its broad range of medicinal properties, efficacy, and potency.

Extracted into an oil and used in tincture form, oregano is most notably known for its anti-bacterial properties – famous for fighting infections both topically and internally.  Unlike conventional antibiotics, which are only effective against bacterial infections, Oil of Oregano can also be used to combat viruses, fungi, parasites and protozoa.

Additional uses and benefits include:

  • Naturally helping to boost the immune system
  • Easing muscle and joint pain when applied topically
  • Providing anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant effects
  • Enhancing the speed of recovery from wounds
  • Loosening mucous and phlegm from sinuses and lungs
  • Strengthening and toning the nervous system, helping to make you more resilient against anxiety, stress, hypertension and insomnia

And also used for:

  • Pet care – ear infections, dental health, parasites and more.

Although its health properties are abundant, it is important to note that products labeled herbal or natural, are not necessarily harmless.  Oil of Oregano should be used purposefully and with care.  Like conventional antibiotics, Oil of Oregano will kill ‘good’ bacteria, not just the ‘bad’.  For this reason, long-term use is not advised.  If using to treat a medical condition, you should consult your doctor at Northshore Naturopathic Clinic for additional information.


Interested in buying Oil of Oregano? The next 8 purchases of Joy of the Mountains Oil of Oregano at our clinic will come with a FREE copy of “Your Guide to Oil of Oregano: Better Health for People and Pets”.