The Secrets to Great Health from Your Nine Liver Dwarves, the second book written by Dr. Matsen, takes a humorous yet in-depth look at the connection between liver function and health. It shows how disease can be reversed by following a diet that revitalizes the liver, the most important organ in fighting illness.

With the help of hundreds of cartoon illustrations and nine fictional liver dwarves, Dr. Matsen explains how your liver is linked with other systems in your body and provides innovative ideas on how to rejuvenate your health. Topics include the medicinal properties of foods, the relationship between digestion and your immune system, and how changing your diet can greatly increase your energy levels.

The Secrets to Great Health also contains a summary of some the most important medical research of the last 100 years as well as delicious, healthy recipes and menu suggestions. This entertaining and educational book gives more detailed, scientific explanations about your liver and its role in sustaining or regaining great health.